Track it, improve it.
Quanthome curates the most comprehensive real estate investment dataset. Whether it’s ESG, financial, structural, or regulatory data, our machine learning algorithms scan hundreds of sources, cross-checking and correcting information to ensure accuracy.
In a nutshell
The ultimate tool for external data analysis, integrating all essential investment decision-making tools into one platform.
Data integrates seamlessly into your systems via direct download or API, ensuring flexibility and ease of use.
Working with industry leaders, our engineers develop algorithms that standardise data and metrics for maximum comparability.
What sets Quanthome apart is the extensive connectivity of its data, covering everything from individual flats to complex funds of funds.
Data points
Unparalleled Coverage
Whether you are a fund optimising its portfolio or an institutional investor diversifying its positions, Quanthome covers all the assets in which you may be interested.
ESG metrics
Our ESG data offers powerful insights into the sustainability and ethical impact of your real estate investments. From environmental factors to governance metrics, Quanthome equips you with the data needed to evaluate and optimise the long-term value and responsibility of your assets.
Cash flows & Financials
Master your investments with full visibility into cash flows, market values, and ratios, backed by real-time forecasting. Our advanced tools track and predict performance, ensuring you stay ahead in portfolio management and maximise returns with precision-driven insights.
All Swiss Real Estate Securities
Quanthome covers the full spectrum of real estate securities, from listed and non-listed funds to real estate companies and investment foundations. Our platform leverages hundreds of sources daily -regulatory filings, press releases, and news - ensuring you’re always equipped with the latest information. Stay ahead with comprehensive insights into every market movement.
Hundreds of sources to cross-check the validity of data
Our data pipelines include various public and private sources, and relies on models developed in accordance with international standards by our engineers with recognised researchers.
Public information
Structuring data with official sources such as BFS, BWO, SIX Stock Exchange and numerous recognised institutions, Quanthome is at the forefront of transparency and benchmarking.
Reported by owners
By automating the retrieval of data from property advertisements and financial reports, Quanthome displays data as disclosed by landlords
and auditors.
Computed by Quanthome
By cross-referencing and extrapolating billions of data points, Quanthome is opening up new perspectives in real estate analysis.
AI models trained on large data base
At Quanthome, we develop proprietary AI models that value, estimate, and forecast millions of real estate assets across Switzerland.
Automated Valuation Modeling
Our advanced AVM algorithm automatically values every property in Switzerland, analysing the market in real time.
Our ESG models assess climate risks, CO₂ emissions, and accessibility
for every asset, using recognised standards.
Powerful machine learning
Our cutting-edge algorithms are trained on public data. They are regularly updated to stay
at the forefront of the industry.
Struggling with data? Meet our team to discover tailored solutions that streamline your data acquisition and analysis.
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